Packaging Guide


We release packages and upload them to PyPI (wheels and source tarballs).

The following scripts are used in the process:

We use git tags to identify releases, using Semantic Versioning. For example: v0.11.1.

Since version 1.21.0, our packages are cryptographically signed by one of four PGP keys:

  • BF6BCFC89E90747B9A680FD7B6029E8500F7DB16

  • 86379B4F0AF371B50CD9E5FF3402831161D1D280

  • 20F201346BF8F3F455A73F9A780CC99432A28621

  • F2871B4152AE13C49519111F447BF683AA3B26C3`

These keys can be found on major key servers and at

Releases before 1.21.0 were signed by the PGP key A2CFB51FA275A7286234E7B24D17C995CD9775F2 which can still be found on major key servers.

Notes for package maintainers

  1. Please use our tagged releases, not main!

  2. Do not package certbot-compatibility-test as it’s only used internally.

  3. To run tests on our packages, you should use pytest by running the command python -m pytest. Running pytest directly may not work because PYTHONPATH is not handled the same way and local modules may not be found by the test runner.

  4. If you’d like to include automated renewal in your package:

  • certbot renew -q should be added to crontab or systemd timer.

  • A random per-machine time offset should be included to avoid having a large number of your clients hit Let’s Encrypt’s servers simultaneously.

  • --preconfigured-renewal should be included on the CLI or in cli.ini for all invocations of Certbot, so that it can adjust its interactive output regarding automated renewal (Certbot >= 1.9.0).

  1. jws is an internal script for acme module and it doesn’t have to be packaged - it’s mostly for debugging: you can use it as echo foo | jws sign | jws verify.

  2. Do get in touch with us. We are happy to make any changes that will make packaging easier. If you need to apply some patches don’t do it downstream - make a PR here.