"""Base test class for DNS authenticators."""
from typing import Any
from typing import Mapping
from typing import Protocol
from unittest import mock
import configobj
import josepy as jose
from acme import challenges
from certbot import achallenges
from certbot.compat import filesystem
from certbot.plugins.dns_common import DNSAuthenticator
from certbot.tests import acme_util
from certbot.tests import util as test_util
DOMAIN = 'example.com'
KEY = jose.JWKRSA.load(test_util.load_vector("rsa512_key.pem"))
class _AuthenticatorCallableTestCase(Protocol):
"""Protocol describing a TestCase able to call a real DNSAuthenticator instance."""
auth: DNSAuthenticator
def assertTrue(self, *unused_args: Any) -> None:
def assertEqual(self, *unused_args: Any) -> None:
def assertRaises(self, *unused_args: Any) -> None:
[docs]class BaseAuthenticatorTest:
A base test class to reduce duplication between test code for DNS Authenticator Plugins.
* That subclasses also subclass unittest.TestCase
* That the authenticator is stored as self.auth
achall = achallenges.KeyAuthorizationAnnotatedChallenge(
challb=acme_util.DNS01, domain=DOMAIN, account_key=KEY)
[docs] def test_more_info(self: _AuthenticatorCallableTestCase) -> None:
self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.auth.more_info(), str)) # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs] def test_get_chall_pref(self: _AuthenticatorCallableTestCase) -> None:
self.assertEqual(self.auth.get_chall_pref("example.org"), [challenges.DNS01]) # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs] def test_parser_arguments(self: _AuthenticatorCallableTestCase) -> None:
m = mock.MagicMock()
self.auth.add_parser_arguments(m) # pylint: disable=no-member
m.assert_any_call('propagation-seconds', type=int, default=mock.ANY, help=mock.ANY)
[docs]def write(values: Mapping[str, Any], path: str) -> None:
"""Write the specified values to a config file.
:param dict values: A map of values to write.
:param str path: Where to write the values.
config = configobj.ConfigObj()
for key in values:
config[key] = values[key]
with open(path, "wb") as f:
filesystem.chmod(path, 0o600)